I had someone ask me the other day how I knew about something and if it was just "insider information" based on my employment. Want to know a little secret?
I could cover everything I write about even if I wasn't didn't work for KCMO. How?
Let's take real estate development as an example. One can go to the City's listbot sign up here and enter an email. One can then sign up for a bunch of different notifications.
If you are interested in proposed/planned developments, click the list "City Clerk's Public Notice News Releases" from the list shown below.

That is the official notice service for the requirements for public meetings as outlined in the Missouri "Sunshine Law." While signing up, you will get a litany of committees/boards etc and will learn more about all the different meetings/items that exist in KCMO.
Under the "City Clerk's Public Notice News Releases" once a week an email notice for a committee called the "Development Review Committee" will be sent out. This is the committee that is staff led where proposed zoning changes or site plan approvals must first go before going to the City Council. Here is what a sample notice looks like:
In the Conference Room on the 15th Floor of City Hall, 414 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, the Development Review Committee will hold a meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2013, commencing at 8:30 a.m. to consider the following matters.
Subject: Development Review Committee Meeting - Wed. November 6, 2013
The Development Review Committee meeting will be held in the Conference Room on the 15th Floor of City Hall on the above referenced date to consider the below listed items.
The applicant or developer is requested to wait in the 15th floor lobby. You will be called into the Conference Room when your project is ready to be heard by the Development Review Committee.
All cases to be heard on this agenda are scheduled to be heard at the City Plan Commission November 19, 2013 unless noted otherwise.
8:30 AM
OA 1. SD 1464, Preliminary Plat - Urban Oaks - To consider approval of a preliminary plat on about 4.5 acres, in District R-7.5 (Residential dash 7.5), generally located on the east side of North Oak Trafficway, approximately 200 feet north of NE 99th Street, creating 24 single family lots and three (3) tracts.
Agent: Owen Homes, LLC, Rep., Lutjen, Inc.
8:40 AM
OA 2. Case No. 8878-SU-10 - 4136 N. Oak Trafficway - A request for a Special Use Permit on about 2.5 acres, in District B3-2 (Community Business 3 dash 2), generally located on the southwest corner of NE Briarcliff Road and N. Oak Trafficway to allow for a gas station and a 4,200 square foot convenient store.
Agent: Casey's Marketing, Rep., Phelps Engineering.
8:55 AM
PN 3. Case No. 12951-P-5 - To consider approval of an amendment to a previously approved development plan under Chapter 80 on approximately 36.4 acres, generally located 500 feet east of N. Ambassador Drive, south of NW Tiffany Springs Road, North of Missouri Highway 152, and on both sides of NW 88th Street, so as to delete a proposed public street connection and revise layout in Phase 3, allowing 272 townhome units.
Agent: J.C.R.E., LLC, Rep., Lutjen, Inc.
9:10 AM
PN 4. SD 0414E - Preliminary Plat Boardwalk Square, 4th Plat - To consider approval of a preliminary plat in District B3-3 (Community Business 3 dash 3), on about 14.3 acres generally located at the southwest corner of N. Boardwalk Avenue and N. Ambassador Drive, creating two (2) commercial lots.
Agent: Beaton, Inc., Rep., Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc.
9:20 AM
JE 5. Case No. 5857-MPD-51-AA-1 - Final MPD Plan Culver's Restaurant - 5901 NW 64th Street - A request for a final plan on about 5 acres, in District MPD (Master Planned District), generally located on the south side of NW 64th Street, approximately 500 feet west of N. Cosby Avenue to allow for a new 4,200 square foot restaurant with drive through.
Agent: Culver's of Kansas City, Rep., BRR Architecture
You may contact City Planning and Development at (816) 513-2846 for further information.
"Any person with a disability desiring reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting may contact the 311 Action Center at 311 or (816) 513-1313 or TTY 513-1889 or by email at [email protected]."
I pulled the notice above because that's where I first knew the Platte County Culvers™ was happening for sure even though I knew about it long before but it wasn't public record and about the new subdivision being built right now across from Northland Cathedral on North Oak. After you sign up, if you see a case that interests you here is some information about the group that handles this type of effort.
Also, check out the KCMO FAQ page or watch Channel 2 when you see an ordinance that interests you.
The internet has made it much easier to be an informed citizen. It's a lot easier than it was in the 20th Century when people had to use the phone...
Clip credit to Sony Pictures Television from the Married with Children TV show.