After dropping $36M of public money into a pay to play sports complex it's nice to see some development happening at the Platte Purchase and 152 interchange. I don't get that way much since the Green Hills Road project has changed my travel patterns but there are some things happening near Costco™. On the northwest side of the interchange, a new Floor and Decor™ store is underway. For reference here is the approved development plan location.
The development site looks like it's set up to have a gas station at the corner of the WB 152 off ramp in the lower right part of the map. The flooring store is along 152 and will face Platte Purchase (purple highlight). A coffee or small drive through is along the middle entrance off Platte Purchase and two restaurant like pad sites at the SEC of Platte Purchase and Fountain Hills Drive. It has another large box store (probably grocery size tenant) facing to the north (yellow highlight). The red lines in the map were from a preliminary submittal showing pedestrian pathways.
This is what it will look like from the south along 152.
This is what it will look like from the front towards Platte Purchase.
On the southeast side of 152 and Platte Purchase, if you've driven by you've seen lots of grading happening. There is an apartment project being built that will be west of Platte Purchase between the YMCA Challenger Field and Pathfinder Elementary and Barry Middle Schools. The site map on aerial below is oriented with north on the right, Platte Purchase on the bottom, and the road in front of the schools on the left and top.
The plans shown to the City Plan Commission show that the apartments will generally look like this.
The clubhouse right off the entrance from Platte Purchase is supposed to look like this.
It looks like most of the rough grading is done and they have some footings for one of the buildings on the backside started so I wouldn't be surprised if they are done this time next year. I think these apartments will be a hit. You've got easy access to two schools, the very underrated Barry Platte Park, the Route 152 Trail with its access to everything and the Line Creek Trail, and the YMCA Challenger Field which I was at with my kids tonight. That field is always open and we often wind up in a football pick up game with other kids and families. It's a great park for everyone and we really need to thank Trent Green, Mark Teahen, Fred and Shirley Pryor, and the YMCA who raised a bunch of private money to build a park that all the public can use.