Little humble brag, it's nice to live in a county which has a dedicated parks, road, and law enforcement sales tax to maintain what we have and also to add some new things to serve a growing population. Tomorrow, Friday November 3, 2023, Platte County is going to dedicate and open the first phase of the Brush Creek Trail. The trail is located along I-435 and opposite Parma Woods Conservation Area and will eventually be part of a 26 mile loop system that will connect the Line Creek and Route 152 Trails.
There is a small trailhead along NW River Road and the best way to find it is open up a map for the Platte County Regional Sewer District, Brush Creek WWTP (or click here). The trailhead has about 10 or so parking spots. If you get there and it's full, just remember to not block any of the sewer WWTP plant access if you have to park somewhere.
The trail follows along NW River Road and crosses Brush Creek before it heads north.
From there it goes north and follows along the west side of Brush Creek. The first part is pretty wide open as it's on right of way MoDOT bought for an eventual folded diamond interchange with NW River Road (see Parma Woods post above for background)
The layout gives a nice view of the Brush Creek valley hillside bluffs about a quarter mile in. This is looking northwest at Parma Woods.
The trail weaves in and out of open area and into some forested area which I assume used to be farmed or pastured because the trees are narrow and tall.
There is a stretch where the trail is right along I-435 because Brush Creek is close to the interstate but it's nice and open and you can see the creek and some natural growth forest to the east of the creek. This is looking north so I-435 is on the left and Brush Creek on the right.
The trail curves around a creek bend and affords some view of Brush Creek. This is looking south.
The first phase of the trail terminates with a bridge over Brush Creek. This is looking north towards the Creekside development.
I was reviewing the Parkville zoning minutes and it looks like Park Hill Elementary School number 12 was approved and it will wrap around the school. I'm not sure what the timing of that construction is nor if the school district will build it as my attention spans stops at the KCMO city limits.
Overall, it was about 1.8 miles one way with only 12-15 feet of elevation gain so it would be a perfect training trail for little kids or anyone who might want to get out and enjoy nature but has limited mobility.
I would encourage you to like and follow the Platte County Parks and Recreation Facebook page for future County updates and you can add tomorrow's event as a reminder here. Check the new Brush Creek Trail before it gets too cold and tell your friends and while you're out there, Parma Woods.