The winter has gone on too long and given me a March cold. However, is supposed to be a balmy 50 or so Friday so you should get outside and come to Happy Rock Park for the groundbreaking of the next phase of the Shoal Creek Trail. Here's a link to the official Facebook link for the event as a reminder. Please share.
If you like these trails, show up and thank your elected officials for funding them. This one has a federal grant and is another Gladstone/KCMO partnership project like the first phase of the trail. It's pretty cool what two cities can do working together. Without this partnership, improvements to Pleasant Valley Road, NE 76th Street, and North Broadway would have not happened this decade.
This section of tell also wouldn't have happened without an easement from the Knights of Colmbus so if any of you are a member of the Council on Kensington Road, thank you.
This section of the trail goes by a large pool in Shoal Creek. Here's a preview.
More #ShoalCreekTrail
— Wes Minder (@WesKCMO) January 10, 2018