Time for a life hack post before I comment on the hastily rushed (by the Bart Klein led school board) redistricting effort. Long time readers know that I think campaign signs are one of the top three things to have around the house. From keeping ice off windshields to bush trimming collection to disposing of lawn refuse to changing oil in the driveway, campaign signs can be used for almost anything your imagination comes up with. Necessity is the mother of invention led me to my latest reuse. I thought I had enough sleds stored away but when I broke them out yesterday, two of them were damaged and unusable leaving me with only two functioning sleds and four kids that wanted to go.
Our normal sledding place are the slopes at Northland Baptist Church. Before I get into the post, let me just tell you how sledding became possible there. Five plus years ago, the church had a large piece of dirt. Kansas City needed a bunch of dirt to build the NW 72nd Street extension. The leadership at Northland Baptist worked out a deal with the City where the City would use the dirt for the new road. Both parties won because the City saved a bunch of money on not having to haul dirt from far away and the cost to truck it to the site and the Church won because they got their site graded so that they could use it for an open athletic area and for future expansion. The fact that it is a great place to sled is how I win since it's so close to the house. It's also a beautiful place to just admire the trees and natural beauty of this area when there's snow on the ground.
Glad we graded that sledding hill @WaldronKC pic.twitter.com/ATnK2eVY97
— Wes Minder (@WesKCMO) November 27, 2018
Anyways, I pulled out a 4x6 campaign sign from my stash and thought we would see how it would be as a toboggan. I figured since it was plastic and super smooth, it would work better than anything I could get at the store. It also didn't cost me a thing. I was the one to try it because I didn't want to have a kid wipe out right when we got started and let me say it is now the only way I will go sledding.
The campaign sign toboggan worked real well at pushing snow down and also keeping it from blowing up in my face on the first few runs. I ended up being able to fit two kids behind me and eventually the boys started using it without me.
And we've got the first crash and I've been informed this involves a "knee to the balls" pic.twitter.com/l2E9XRMGHE
— Wes Minder (@WesKCMO) November 27, 2018