Buckle up and pay attention folks. There is going to be some homework at the end of this post. Looks like there is finally some development pressure at the interchange of I-435 and Route 45. It appears that there is some substantial rezoning being proposed in the fair city of Parkville. Everything shaded below is going to be impacted and discussed at a Parkville Planning and Zoning Commission meeting next week.
The area roughly ID'd as Parcel IX is being proposed to become Creekside Residential. This is the area hatched below.
The development would include 111 single family homes, 100 townhouses, and 216 apartments per the staff report and would look something like this below. Note, north is at the top, Brink Meyer is on the right and I-435 is on the left. The Thousand Oaks subdivision would be to the right of this.
Just to the north of that and south of Route 45, roughly in Tract VIII, a project being called Creekside Commercial is being proposed in the area hatched below.
This project would include "planned commercial development consisting of hotel, restaurant, grocery/market and other commercial and mixed-use retail uses on 38+/- acres." Site plan is below with Route 45 at the top, Brink Meyer and Thousand Oaks on the right, I-435 on the left and the existing gas station (not shown) in the upper right hand corner.
One editorial and a big thing that concerns me is neither of these plans on the east side of I-435 show a trail along Brush Creek. It's been long planned that there would be a trail along Brush Creek from the Missouri River up to Tiffany Springs Park. This trail was part of the 18+/- year old Northland Trails Vision Plan (see excerpt here) and if it was built, it would connect the Missouri River, Line Creek, and 152 Trail systems and create a roughly 26 mile loop.
Seems like it could be done easily in the floodplain or along the sanitary sewer easement without impacting any development. I hope it happens for everyone who lives out there. It would be an amazing trail. It would allow people to get to this development without using a car and would be a great amenity for hotels and offices within the projects. It also would be great bike tourism for downtown Parkville because visitors could use the hotels and then ride down for brew pub dinner <end editorial comment>.
The northwest corner of 435/45 is being pitched as Lakeside Northwest Quadrant, "a planned residential development consisting of 100 single family homes and 160 townhome units; and a planned commercial development consisting of two hotels, three restaurants, one quick serve restaurant, one pharmacy/medical office, one gas station and retail uses."
The site plan for Lakeside Northwest Quadrant is below. Route 45 is on the bottom and I-435 is on the right.
Another editorial comment on the plan. It would be nice if they pulled the west outer road for 435 through the development so that it isn't so close to the interchange. It would save MoDOT (ie us taxpayers) the cost of relocating that outer road once traffic becomes so unbearable because of a frontage road 100 feet away from a ramp terminal (ie like 45 and I-29). I tried showing how easy it would be with a blue line and the red X's denoting the road being abandoned. Maybe there could be some motivation for everyone to work together to move the road and then release some of the right of way that would not be needed as a trade off to the developer to offset the land lost with the relocation so it's a win-win for private interests and us taxpayers.......................
Lastly, the final corner is being pitched as Parkville Industrial Southwest Quadrant and would be "a planned industrial development consisting of 29 pad sites for office/service and industrial uses, including manufacturing, storage and warehousing."
Site plan is industrial so it isn't too sexy. Route 45 is on the top of the picture and I-435 is on the right.
Now for your homework. You can download and read the staff reports and all the development plan submittals here. There is some organized opposition to the zoning changes and that's how I heard about these plans. You can check out their FB page here. It's a closed group but they've added their 466 members in the past week.
The City of Parkville published a list of FAQ's of the area so I encourage you to look at their page here. Within that FAQ page is a link to previous 2014 presentation on the area and it's opportunities. This area is part of the Neighborhood Improvement District (NID) that has been creating some financial controversy. Sewers and pump stations aren't cheap and somehow that debt has to be repaid.
Unfortunately this is the case of the latest victim of the Strongtowns "Illusion of Wealth" theory and need for development to pay off the NID debt. It's no different than the Zona Rosa fiasco.