Well final conceptual alternatives have been posted to the www.beyondtheloopkc.com website in case you've signed up for updates. You also need to take the online survey which shows all of the concepts and provide your thoughts in the simple sliding scale. The survey will look like the screenshot below so you can read, review, process, and rate it.
Before I get started, let me just say you all did a great job engaging in the first survey. Below is a heat map of responses and as you can see, the I-29 corridor was well represented.
There has been quite a bit of scuttlebutt on how a direct connection to I-35 is possible and there are four ideas. All of these would be a heck of a lot easier and cheaper if that WB 70 to SB 35 flyover ramp was gone or could be an at-grade intersection. I'm going to try and overview them while a six month old sits in my lap and tries to grab every cord and piece of paper on the desk in front of her.
The first concept builds the new bridge to the far west with a connection to 4th Street and that's the main way to access downtown from north of the river.
The second one builds the new bridge to the far west and makes the north of the river connection from 5th and 6th Street.
The third one builds the new bridge to the far west and is kind of like the first option above (4th Street) but is more connected to Broadway.
The fourth one builds the new bridge right next to the existing bridge but still has a direct connection to I-35 so north-south access wouldn't be forced to sit at the stoplights at 5th or 6th Street.
The survey also wants your input on the I-70 north loop portion of the project. Option below removes all the ramps.
Option below skinnies up the interstate but pushes it up next to 6th Street.
Option below skinnies up the interstate but pushes it up next to 5th Street.
Last option removes the interstate and traffic uses a connected Independence Avenue and 6th Street.
You also can voice your temperature on lowering Route 9 back to street level. Right now it's an elevated freeway with multiple bridges that were built in the 80's. At some point in the next twenty years those bridges are going to need to be replaced and the way MoDOT is broke, it's a question of do we want double down on the way it is or look at something else. Most of the traffic on Route 9 goes straight into downtown so all it does is allow me in the morning to do 30 until I get to the stop light in North Kansas City at 10th Street, then race up to 60 and hope KCPD isn't running radar, and then stop at the traffic signal at Admiral.
If we have a new US 169 Buck O'Neil Bridge with direct connection to I-35, a great deal of traffic will start using the US 169/Broadway Extension corridor which makes this option feasible. The difference in the two renderings below is one puts Route 9 to the east and the other pushes it to the west.
I got distracted with what I thought was a smelly diaper and some kids who wanted to paint so if there's any incoherent thoughts or I missed anything, all of these displays can be downloaded for your enjoyment in a rather large PDF here. I just took the time to screenshot the ones I thought were interesting.
Also, this is all moot if KCMO voters don't vote to renew a one cent capital improvements sales tax tomorrow. This tax has existed since the 80's I think and you can read the official FAQ page here.
I created a FB event for you to like so you don't forget. Just click here.