Well I'm back to one handed blogging so sorry for the last minute notice but there are two public meetings tonight you might be interested in. First one deals with the update to the bike plan. In case you are wondering what I am talking about, check out my previous post on the topic and check out the Bike KC update page and share with your friends. The meeting is at Northland Cathedral at US 169 and Tiffany Springs Parkway.
Click this link to add it to your evil big brother internet search company calendar.
The second is the design public hearing for improvements to North Woodland aka Maplewoods Parkway.
It's been a little over a year since KCMO applied for federal funds to help with rebuilding the corridor and KCMO was successful in securing $6M which will be combined with the recently passed GO Bond package to rebuild the unimproved two lane road to Maplewoods Parkway from NE 96th Street to Shoal Creek Parkway. Here's the official notice:
Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that a public meeting will be held at the Staley High School, 2800 NE Shoal Creek Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64156, on Tuesday, October 17th, 2017 from 5 to 7 PM. Handicap access is available. This is an open house public meeting and residents can come as their schedule allows. There will not be a formal presentation.
All interested persons will have an opportunity to be heard on their views of the proposed improvements with reference to socio-economic effects and its consistency with the community’s objectives. The planned improvement is as follows:
The City of Kansas City, Missouri Parks and Recreation Department plans to reconstruct N. Woodland Avenue from NE 96th Street to NE 108th Street, upgrading this section of roadway to current design Standards. The improvements include roadway Realignment and Widening with a Median, Curb & Gutter, Sidewalks, multi-use Path, Bike Lanes, Lighting and Sewers. Design and Right of Way plans will be available for viewing at the Meeting. Tentative schedules for right-of-way acquisition and construction will be discussed at the Meeting.
roject plans and other detailed information prepared by the City are available for public inspection at the office of the Project Manager, Parks and Recreation Department, 4600 E. 63rd Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64130. Written and oral statements will be received at the Meeting. These, as well as written statements received within ten days after the Meeting date, will be made part of the Public Meeting transcript. Comments can also be sent via email at [email protected]
If you are limited in mobility and require special services at the Meeting, please notify James Wang by October 10, 2017 at (816) 513-7622 to make arrangements.
City of Kansas City, Missouri
Parks and Recreation Department
By: James Wang, Project Manager
If you can't make it, I'm sure someone on the socials or internet will get you a link to the material presented. The meeting is an open house, come as you can meeting from 5-7 so no need to get there right at 5 nor get nervous standing at a podium asking questions like this guy.....
Clip credit to Carsey-Werner Productions from That 70's Show.