But don't worry because it's down south. However, mark your calendars for next Thursday the 27th for the meeting at the Northland Cathedral.
In case you are wondering what I am talking about, check out my previous post on the topic. The KCMO Planning Department has the Bike KC plan update website ready to go. The site has a survey and also a wikimapping tool where you can make comments on where you would like to bike if there was a facility that you felt comfortable with.
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like many Platte County folks have done anything with it.
Here's the deal folks, if you want bike facilities that you would feel safe using, you need to engage and provide input or we'll wind up with nothing useful or a plan that won't do you any good. Local government is only what you demand of it and if you don't participate, no one will care what you think.
Check out the Bike KC update page and share with your friends. If you don't, the money allocated to these types of projects will wind up getting spent in Lee's Summit or Blue Springs.