Park Hill School District parents at Renner Elementary will see some improvements to make flow in and out of there easier. These improvements will hopefully reduce some parents conflict with Barry Stroad traffic and all the people cutting through on the overly wide Stoddard Avenue to avoid the signals.
Even though the school has existed since maybe before annexation and the school district is a higher governmental entity, the school district property is zoned R-7.5 which according to the KCMO development code is:
The R-7.5 district, for example, is a short-hand reference to a residential district that generally allows one dwelling unit per 7,500 square feet of gross site area.
What that means is any modifications to the existing school require a special use permit so the school can be in conformance with the development code and continue to exist as a school. If you are bored on a Friday night, you can browse the code here.
Parents can look forward to a re-configuration of the parking lot and a new driveway so the patrons to the south can avoid that weird curved T-intersection.
Here is a better map with proposed improvements overlaid on aerial.
Hopefully the special use permit process goes smoothly and the school can remain as a school and work can happen when everyone is on summer break.