I took my basketball referee test yesterday and I passed. It's not easy as it gets into details on administrative type stuff that the average fan probably doesn't notice like direct vs indirect technical fouls to a coach and uniform rules. Coincidentally, I got this email along from the Greater Kansas City Officials Association. If you're going to be stylin', you need to coordinate!
Good Afternoon,
I hope all of you have had a great start to the basketball season!! Over the past few weeks of the season the MSHSAA office has received numerous emails and phone calls regarding undershirts, and leg compression sleeves and headbands. This email will hopefully clarify a few of those items.
Undershirts: This rule has NOT changed. All undershirts must be a single solid color and they MUST be a similar color to the torso of the jersey. White uniforms must have white undershirts, red uniforms if worn must have red undershirts. Players may wear long or short sleeved and not all players have to wear an undershirt nor do they all have to wear the same length undershirt but the color must match the torso of the jersey and the individual player sleeves of the undershirt must be the same length.
Rule 3 Section 5 ART. 6
Undershirts shall be a single solid color similar to the torso of the jersey and shall be hemmed and not have frayed or ragged edges. If the undershirt has sleeves, they shall be the same length. A visible manufacturer's logo/trademark/reference is not permitted on the undershirt.
Arm and Leg compression sleeves: This is a change in the rules. Sleeves and tights worn on the arm or leg are permissible. They can be black, white, beige OR the predominant color of the uniform. All teammates that choose to wear these items MUST have on the same color.
Rule 3 Section 5 ART. 3
Arm sleeves, knee sleeves, lower leg sleeves and tights are permissible:
- Anything worn on the arm and/or leg is a sleeve, except a knee brace, and shall meet the color restrictions.
- The sleeves/tights shall be black, white, beige or the predominant color of the uniform and the same color sleeves/tights shall be worn by teammates.
- All sleeves/tights shall be the same solid color.
- Meet the logo requirements in 3-6.
Wristbands and Headbands: The following headbands are NOT legal.
All team members wearing head and wristbands must be of the same color. They may be white, black, beige or a predominant color of the uniform.
Rule 3 Section 5 ART. 4
Wristbands and headwear shall meet the following guidelines:
- Headbands and wristbands shall be white, black, beige or predominant color of the uniform and shall be the same color for each item and all participants. See 3-6 for logo requirements.
Padded Headwear:
- Can basketball players wear the padded headband (i.e. Full 90 brand) without a doctor’s note?
- No. A school Administrator must send in a ruling request to Kevin Garner. A physician’s note must accompany the request stating that it is necessary.
- Thanks again for taking the time to read through this and from the MSHSAA staff we wish all of you a very happy Holiday season!