How do I know? Dwayne Bowe tells me so.
How else do you explain anyone speeding in Riverside? Anyone who's brain hasn't been fried on drugs knows that the Riverside PD do a fine job of keeping the law in town which includes driving over 3 mph the speed limit.
Believe it or not, Mr. Bowe lives north of the river. He's about 150 feet from being a Platte Countian.
With property taxes on an assessed value like this it's a wonder how he can afford nice wheels and weed. Address is blocked out.
Why was he driving around Riverside under the influence? While Platte County has a storied history with weed, I have a hunch he was looking for some cheap all beef hot dogs from the Red X.
Clip credit to Carsey-Werner Productions from That 70's Show.
In all seriousness, check out what drugs can do to your body here.