All right here's what I am thinking. It's getting darker and cold outside. The next day is Friday. Do you really want to make dinner at home and clean up or do you want to take it easy and cheap and help the Line Creek PTA by eating at the McDonald's on Barry Road at I-29 this Thursday evening the 21st?
Fall soccer and football have wrapped up and basketball may have started so it makes total sense to swing by and grab some McD's on your way home from work on the way to practice. Just make sure you tell the cashier your with the PTA.
If you come inside, you can watch our teachers and administrators run the cash machines which is funny and worth going inside. You also know that your order will be right when you get it.
You never know what might happen if you use the drive thru lane...
Clip credit to Carsey-Werner Productions from That 70's Show.