This blog features observations from Line Creek Valley resident Wes Minder. The comments on the blog do not represent the views of the City of Kansas City, MO, Platte County, MO, the Park Hill School District, my wife, my children, Warner Brothers, Blacque Jacqcue Shellacque, my wife's employer, the Platte Brooke North HOA, the TIF Commission of Kansas City, space aliens, the University of Illinois, Rockhurst University, or any other governmental or private group mentioned on this site. Any comments are the opinions of the respective commenter and are not reflective of any governmental or private group. Posts may be scheduled and spaced out to go live during hours of the day so time stamps are not reflective of the actual time of post writing. Any political endorsements are not paid and the cost of this blog is all borne by myself. The opinions on the blog posts are the opinions of one person-Wes Minder aka the Line Creek Loudmouth.
Park Hill South ranked as the 13th best high school and Park Hill ranked the 6th best high school in the state. Great job teachers, parents, and students.