Campaign signs are almost as good as duct tape as far as their applicability to home repair and improvement.
The metal posts can be used around the house for a lot of things but today's tip for re-using campaign signs is to keep the bush trimmings from littering your mulch. I don't know about you but I loathe having fresh or newer mulch get anything on it especially trimmings.
This works real well when you have some crappy barberry bushes like I do that came with the house and you haven't gotten around to planting something else.
Here is how to use a campaign sign to keep your mulch nice and un-littered.
Put the signs under the bushes, trim the bushes, bend the signs, lift sign with all the trimmings sitting on the sign, tilt the sign so the trimmings slide off into a recycle tub or trash bin, and take to the nearest dead-end or cul-de-sac street and dump them right in front of the last driveway. The right in front of portion is really important when you illegally dump.
See if you're going to be an A-hole and illegally dump, don't just do it along the side of the road. Let some poor fellow know that you really are a major league A-hole. Remember, even when it comes to illegal dumping, always work harder than the average illegal dumper. Let the whole world know that you could care less about your fellow man and nature and totally deserve a punishment like having to pee on an electric fence.
In all seriousness, if you do have leaf and brush clippings to get rid of, check out the KCMO, Gladstone, Parkville, and Platte County facilities to properly dispose of yard waste.
Just make sure you don't mix drinking with yard work...