A week ago at this time, no one had fathomed how much life for American school children was going to change the next day. We need better community in our urban areas. I have to confess that I am part of that problem. It's so easy to just fade away and be anonymous and detached from everything. Maybe if we knew each other a little more than just a fading hello in passing or social media chatter, things like this would be reduced.
That's why I am asking any of you that would like to join me, to meet at the Line Creek Community Center parking lot tomorrow (Friday 12/21/12) morning at 8:45 to pray for our school and the safety of our kids, teachers, and staff. If you don't see me in my orange coat, I probably am inside so look there. I am taking the day off and will head there after I drop the boys off. Since the snow has everything covered there would really be no good place near the school and in light of the heightened concerns, it's not a good idea to be loitering near the school.
If you would like to join me, I look forward to it. I encourage any other readers from our other elementary schools to take the lead and start doing the same thing.
When I was 4-5, I remember listening to this Bellamy Brothers song at my grandmother's house on her old hi-fi 8 track player. I think it's a good reminder that we just need to remember that anger and rage kill but kindness and love help.