WHOA! Park Hill Board of Education meetings will now be bearable to attend. Board Member Fred Sanchez has resigned. For carrying a CONCEALED WEAPON to a BOE meeting! I think a lot of people have mistakenly characterized him as Platte County's resident flaming liberal and owe him a great deal of apology.
He owns a 1/2 ton Ford™ pickup. Not a bailed out GM™ or Dodge™/Chrysler™ or a weenie plug in mobile. He hangs out and parties with soon to be Republican Platte County Commissioner Beverlee Roper.
And now, he packs heat at a school board meeting? What was he concerned about? The Occupy Park Hill group showing up with flaming rhetoric?
The cause of his resignation does invite the sophomoric answer to the "do you have any weapons" question...
Did Fred Sanchez make a difference? I don't know. It kept me away from 5 months of meetings so I guess there was some benefit in his very short term of service.
Clip credit to Mike Judge and Viacom™.