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A Facebook User

This is an important link in the Platte County trails system (40 year plan). The new paved sidewalk will also greatly help those who ride the bus. Too bad that they can not use some kind of ecologically friendly earth mat for the sidewalk and bus stop. Something that could be reused and re-purposed somewhere else.

As I understand it, after the completion of the future realignment of Prairie View Road (on top of Chatham RD), all of sidewalk and bus stop improvements on Prairie View RD will be torn up and destroyed.

Unfortunately, the construction of these needed links has resulted in nasty traffic jams, due to the lane closures. I got caught in it the first day that they closed down the south half of the eastbound Tom Watson Parkway. What a mess that was. Never again. I am now using Highway 9 to access the Interstate.

I am praying for good weather and that the contractor will soon qualify for an early completion reward.


Ken Eagle
The Platte County Skeptic & Curmudgeon

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