Now that spring is upon us, now is the perfect time if you can find a couple of hours to head up to Smithville Lake and use the trail system. There are multiple places to access them. I like taking 169 north past Smithville all the way to Route W and starting at the trailhead there. Later in the summer, I like to head to the marina and beach trailhead on the east side of the lake on Collins Road and ride then swim. You can get there from either Route W or taking MO-92 east to Route E and then north. If you have little kids and have to either pull them in the trailer or need something to do while unloading your bikes, there is a really neat rope climbing challenge and playgound on the south part of the Crows Creek campground north of Route 92 and accessed from Route E. When you enter the campground, just stay to the south. The playground works out well to reward the kids for being good on the ride and gives you some time to pack everything into the car.
In case you happen to be going that way and notice some roadwork on US 169 north of Route 152, after 25 years of being on the drawing board, the stoplights will be coming out and replaced with interchanges. The contractor has an aggressive schedule and already has the bridge piling installed and has the base of the retaining wall on the east side of the highway for the new 96th Street bridge.
The new highways overpasses on 96th and 108th will become parkways and will be more than a regular highway overpass bridge and look something like this and this. You can follow the project at MoDOT's website and see more detailed drawings for 96th and 108th.