Has anyone noticed the little white signs that say zoning or plan amendment with hand written numbers on them on the northeast corner of Route 152 and Green Hills Road? The landowner of the northeast corner of that interchange has submitted a preliminary plan for the site which would include a Menards™. This would be located on the north side of Route 152 and just east of the large overhead power lines that are between Green Hills and Line Creek Parkway. Proposed site layout is posted below. I am unsure where they are in the plan approval process. In order to turn dirt into something, one must prepare a site plan and submit it the City Development Review Committee which is a staff level committee. That committee is headed by the case planner who compiles all the comments from the committee and drafts a set of conditions the land owner must meet to turn dirt into businesses. That staff report then goes to the City Plan Commission (CPC) which is where the public can testify. The landowner and staff planner can duke it out if they disagree on the conditions. After testimony from both parties and the citizens, the CPC then recommends approval or disapproval with a set of conditions to the City Council. It is then heard by the City Council Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Committee where the landowner and staff planner can duke it out again and the public can comment once again. The P&Z Committee then recommends approval or disapproval to the full Council where it would be finally approved. This project is at the first step at the staff level committee and it remains to be seen if there will be a Menards™ here in the future.